About us

Over the past 25 years, our company built an impressive and successful track records in energy efficiency and sustainability carbon management. Its extensive experience of consultancy includes energy efficiency management, low carbon planning towards sustainability, green building certifications, greenhouse gas inventory & management, renewable & smart energy system, human resource development.

In 1995, EEC-Energetics Co.,Ltd. has been established as a joint venture company between Energetics Pty Ltd. (Australia) and EEC group (Thailand) and be registered consultant for the energy audit under ENCON Act B.E.2535 in Thailand.

From 1995-2006, the company carried out variety of technical assistance on energy efficiency projects as well as policy implementation experiences for private companies, government agencies and international agencies e.g. GIZ, DANIDA, World Bank etc.

In 2006, We had re-named to Bright Management Consulting Co.,Ltd with its services covering renewable energy and carbon management providing feasibility study of solar, wind, energy storage as well as GHG emission mitigation measures and related schemes in Thailand.

Along the journey until 2021, We are ISO 9001 :2015 certified on “Energy and Environment Consulting Services”. Our services has been more than + 8 local government agencies, + 200 private companies and + 10 International agencies through out EU, UN, and APEC projects