Low Carbon Planning toward Sustainability

Low Carbon Developments (LCD) and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) are one of the highlighted areas at national and global level. The low carbon developments can be encouraged by the public and private sector that potentially encounterd the impact of global warming and climate change. The awareness of the impacts has increasingly driven the implementations of low carbon policies, technologies, and green financing under international agreements and supports. Bright Management Consulting Co.,Ltd. holds expertise and capable of providing total low carbon solutions to its clients for the low carbon development and strategies in compliance with international best practices.

Our Services Coverage
  • Develop the baseline of greenhouse gas emissions and emissions profile at different levels i.e. national, city, and corporate to capture the hotspots of emissions for all sectors in compliance with national and international standards and best practices
  • Propose and recommend the most potenital and effective policies and measures that can achieve long-term greenhouse gas mitigation goals 
  • Develop the low emissions strategies to cut greenhouse gas emissions to achieve the set targets toward to carbon neutrality and net zero
  • Prioritize and implement low carbon strategies or measures for short-, medium-, and long term targets
  • Develop Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and MRV system and tools to track the progress of greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation

Sector coverage

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial sector
  • Agriculture and forestry
  • Waste

Project Highlights and Achievement

Low Carbon Project Implementation for Koh Pha Ngan Municipality, UNDP: The project of implementation of waste reduction projects was replicated from successful project in Samui. The Ban-Tai municipality was selected to implement the waste reduction projects emphasis on organic waste reduction. The project had provided some financial support on investing organic bins for househoulds and provided the tranings. The organic waste reduction and  GHG reduction had been monitored through developed MRV system to achieve the project expected outcomes. [2020]

Low Carbon Developments (LCD) and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) are one of the highlighted areas at national and global level. The low carbon developments can be encouraged by the public and private sector that potentially encounterd the impact of global warming and climate change. The awareness of the impacts has increasingly driven the implementations of low carbon policies, technologies, and green financing under international agreements and supports. Bright Management Consulting Co.,Ltd. holds expertise and capable of providing total low carbon solutions to its clients for the low carbon development and strategies in compliance with international best practices.

Our Services Coverage
  • Develop the baseline of greenhouse gas emissions and emissions profile at different levels i.e. national, city, and corporate to capture the hotspots of emissions for all sectors in compliance with national and international standards and best practices
  • Propose and recommend the most potenital and effective policies and measures that can achieve long-term greenhouse gas mitigation goals 
  • Develop the low emissions strategies to cut greenhouse gas emissions to achieve the set targets toward to carbon neutrality and net zero
  • Prioritize and implement low carbon strategies or measures for short-, medium-, and long term targets
  • Develop Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and MRV system and tools to track the progress of greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation

Sector coverage

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial sector
  • Agriculture and forestry
  • Waste

Project Highlights and Achievement

Low Carbon Project Implementation for Koh Pha Ngan Municipality, UNDP: The project of implementation of waste reduction projects was replicated from successful project in Samui. The Ban-Tai municipality was selected to implement the waste reduction projects emphasis on organic waste reduction. The project had provided some financial support on investing organic bins for househoulds and provided the tranings. The organic waste reduction and  GHG reduction had been monitored through developed MRV system to achieve the project expected outcomes. [2020]
Smart Energy (Solar Floating, Waste to Energy, Smart Micro-grid, EV system, Pre-Feasibility Study for Koh Samui Municipality, MIT-Power Corporation: The feasibility of potential technology implementations focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The project included conducting data collection, technical and financial analysis, proposing business model and implementation plan. [2019-2020] 

Low Carbon Demonstration Project Implementation for Koh Samui Municipality, UNDP: The project of implementation of waste reduction projects was replicated from successful project in Samui. The Ban-Tai municipality was selected to implement the waste reduction projects emphasis on organic waste reduction. The project had provided some financial support on investing organic bins for househoulds and provided the tranings. The organic waste reduction and  GHG reduction had been monitored through developed MRV system to achieve the project expected outcomes. [2018-2020]

Samui Learning Station for Low Carbon Model Town (LCMT), DEDE: The project implemented and invested several EE and RE equipment and installations including 1) Solar dryer for community 2) PV rooftop 3) Solar street light 4) Biogas system for community 5) Energy Management System for Green Hotels 6) Learning center.  [2016]

Assessment of the DF&Bs energy management system and updating SEC for 11 sectors (TGO): The project covered the analyzing the SEC of industrial and commercial sectors, setting sectoral SEC benchmarking, and identifying energy savings measures as well as GHG reduction potentials. [2017-2018]
Realisation of APEC Low Carbon Model Town through Smart Grid Development (LCMT-SGD): The feasibility study to implement the smart grid system and low carbon transportation in Samui Island, Thailand. The technical and economics evaluation were included as well as the potential business model for implementation. [2015-2016]

APEC Low Carbon Model Town (LCMT) Promotion through Eco-Point Program, APEC: The project conducted the study and proposal of  of the EPP implementation guideline for assisting APEC economies to achieve the development of low carbon town through eco-point program – as a bottom-up approach to promote low carbon lifestyles and measures. A eco-point program model had been proposed incorporating all low carbon measures and encouraging the public for low carbon consumption shall be developed to overcome the constraint. [2013]




Goal 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 provinces 

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)


APEC LCMT Project Dissemination Phase 3

NIKKEN SEKKEI Research Institue (NSRI)


Replication of waste management practice by public sector from Koh Samui to Koh Phangan

Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization)


Prosperity Fund Low Carbon Energy Programme for South East Asia (the “Project”) – consultant appointment 

Carbon Trust


Low Carbon Demonstration Project Implementation for Koh Samui Municipality

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Thailand


Development of Carbon Footprint for City and the Low Carbon Sustainable Urban Development Planning for Koh Samui Municipality (LOT1)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Thailand


Samui LCMT Learning Station Development toward low carbon society

Surat thani Provincial Energy Office


Realisation of APEC Low Carbon Model Town through Smart Grid Development (LCMT-SGD)

APEC / NIKKEN SEKKEI Research Institute


โครงการจัดทำแผนปฏิบัติการการพัฒนาเมืองคาร์บอนต่ำ (Action Plan Samui)

กรมพัฒนาพลังงานทดแทนและอนุรักษ์พลังงาน กับ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์


APEC Low Carbon Model Town (LCMT) Promotion through Eco-Point Program (LCMT-EPP) Project – Phase 2 at SAMUI Island, Thailand

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation : APEC


Energy efficeincy and renewable energy technology dissemination toward low carbon society

Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency


Adapting Institutional Frameworks in ASEAN for the Establishment of the ASEAN Carbon Equity Fund

EC ASEAN Energy Facility