Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy (collaboration with UNDP under GEF funding)
Bangkok, Thailand
Project Key Features
– In line with GEF-4 Strategic Program No.1 : Promoting energy-efficient buildings and appliances
– CBEEC website with +2,000 visitors
-13 modules of training curriculum, 500 training participants
-Building Energy Simulation Software
-12 demonstration projects implementation
Project Records
2012-2015, 2017-2018
Bright Management Consulting Co.,Ltd. has provided support of the project activities as followings :
– Develop Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Center (CBEEC) – Web based platform for all commercial buildings to share energy information
– Develop Training modules for multiple levels ranging from Manager, Operators, Practitioners, Engineers, Architects, Designers, Technicians, etc.
– Reviews and Benchmarking existing Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) and provide recommendations for improvement
– Policy reviews and recommend new short- and long-terms policies as suitable to current situation
– Incentive scheme reviews and recommend new short- and long-terms policies as suitable to current situation
– Develop Building Energy Simulation Software Model (BESM) and Conduct trainings for targeted groups