Energy Efficiency

Kasikorn Bank – Chaeng Wattana
Kasikorn Bank – Silom

Bangkok, Thailand

Project Key Features
GFA=58,234 m2 (Chaeng Wattana)
GFA=10,492 m2 (Silom)

Project Records


Bright Management Consulting Co.,Ltd. provides support of the establishment of energy management system under Energy Conservation Act B.E.2535 (Amended B.E.2550) as followings :

– Setting up energy management committee and Energy Policy
– Conduct data collection of total energy profile, energy breakdown by system including process and utility system
– Analyze energy data and benchmarking energy indicators to identify energy saving opportunities
– Compare specific energy consumption (SEC) with best practices in the same industries or benchmarking
– Recommend energy conservation measures (ECMs) including technology-based performance and operation-based performance
– Develop energy audit/energy management reports and executive summary of potential benefit from energy performance improvement as well as more advanced technology introduction
– Assist setting energy saving target and plan on energy measure investment
– Conduct in-house awareness/technical trainings
– Monitoring & Verification (M&V) of ECMs
– Provide summary report to KBANK for Down Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) in terms of energy efficiency improvement