Low Carbon Energy Programme (LCEP) 2020
Private Climate Expenditura and institutional Review, PCEIR in Energy Efficiency Sector (EE) 2020
Evaluation of Financial Criteria for Energy Efficiency Project in Thailand under UNIDO Project Financial Capacity Building Package for the industrial energy efficiency project in Thailand
SURVEY on Effective Energy Conservation Measures of Commercial Buildings in Bangkok, JICA [2020]
Completed the development of training materials for PRE’s from designated buildings and factories
Complete the Evaluation of DSM Program implemented by EGAT DSMO funded by the Global Environmental Fund and administered by the World Bank. The project was conducted in association with Agra Monenco and BC Hydro
Completed the project to improve the energy efficiency knowledge center for Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE)
Completed the simulation software for Energy Conservation Practical Training Center (Mini Plant) for Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE)
Conduct the training of Person Responsible for Energy (PREs) under the Energy Conservation Compulsory Program of the Royal Thai Government
ESCO pilot project of EGAT’s DSM office administered by the World Bank
Future Park Rangsit (2nd Largest Shopping Complex in Thailand) – Working in collaboration with ABB Energy Services
Novotel Hotel – Siam Square – Working in collaboration with Trane Thailand

240+ Factories covering most large medium and large scale sub-industries : cement, iron & steel, food &beverages, pulp & paper, petrochemical, automotive, textiles and etc.
73+Commercial Buildings covering hotels, hospitals, office buildings and etc.
24+Factories under the energy auditing capabilities building project funded by GEF and administered by World Bank
30+ government buildings under the evaluation of the government building program
25+ commercial building under the building simulation project
5 Glass factories under GIZ program for Glass Industry