Greenhouse Gas inventory & Management

Greenhouse Gas inventory & Management are the areas related to glocal warming and climate change issues.  The public and private sector are recently aware of the importance of development GHG inventory and contribution to GHG reduction through the implementations of greenhouse gas policies, technologies, and green financing under international agreements and supports. Bright Management Consulting Co.,Ltd. holds expertise and capable of providing the high quality of study in compliance with international standards to its clients for their greenhouse gas development and strategies.

Our Services Coverage

  • Develop greenhouse gas inventory and carbon footprint at different levels i.e. national, city, and corporate to capture the hotspots of emissions for all sectors in compliance with national and international standards and protocols  
  • Propose and recommend the most potenital and effective policies and measures that can achieve long-term greenhouse gas mitigation goals
  • Develop the low emissions strategies to cut greenhouse gas emissions to achieve the set targets toward to carbon neutrality and net zero
  • Develop Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and MRV system or tools to track the progress of greenhouse emissions
  • Develop the projects for carbon credits under national or international mechanism i.e. T-VER, CDM, JCM

Sector Coverage

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial sector
  • Agriculture and forestry
  • Waste

Project Highlights and Achievement

Greenhouse Gas Data Management for industrial Sector, DIW: the government project from Department of Industrial Works – a focal point of IPPU sector for national inventory reporting. Under the project, the greenhouse gas emissions in industrial sector had been compiled in compliance with IPCC2006 for IPPU sector and recored in the database. The key categories of high greenhouse gas emissions had been analysed, collected data and calculated the emissions results to develop the inventory.

Greenhouse Gas Data Compilation and Inventory from 5 Sectors during 2000-2015 for Thailand Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory System (TGEIS), ONEP: the government project from Office of Natural Resources and Environment Policy and Planning – a national focal point of all sectors for national inventory reporting. Under the project framework, the national inventory has been systemmatically compiled in TGEIS. The calculation of emissions had been reviewed in transition of using Guideline of Revised IPCC1996 to IPCC2006. The activity data for all sectors i.e. Energy, IPPU, Agriculture, Forestry and Land Uuse, and Waste, had been validated with focal points and recalculated.

Study on GHG emission and identify potential GHG emission reduction. Develop Local GHG Abatement Plans in 8 municipalities (Region 3) Develop GHG abatement plan guideline that include environmental and social management framework (ESMF); TGO sponsored by World Bank: the project included the prepared and developed a guideline for city level carbon footprint in compliance with international guideline  “Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories”, as well as guidelines  for abatement planning and project evaluation. The developed guidelines had been used for developing all participating municipalities total of 25 municipalities. Under the project scope, the study city carbon footprints of nine (9) municipalities had been evaluated for their current emissions and long term emissions projection, Then the GHG reduction measures had been identified, proposed, selected and planned through stakeholders’ consultations.




Technical advice and cooperation for NACAG

GIZ Thailand


Analysis of Thailand’s Commercial Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (AC) Service Sector

GIZ Thailand


Interviews TGCP main partner on MRV/M&E context of reporting

GIZ Thailand


Carbon Footprint of Organization Development

Bumrungrad Hospital Public Company Limited


Supporting CAPCI Activities in Thailand

GIZ Thailand


Technical Review of Handing-over Documents and Protocols for the Project MRV System

GIZ Office Bangkok


Project on Tracking and Reporting Greenhouse Gas Reduction in the Industrial Sector

Department of Industrial Works


Project on Strengthening Capacity Building and Support for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Measures in Industrial Sector                           

Department of Industrial Works


Project on Data Analysis and Preparation of Technical recommendations from the IPCC Special Report to be a Guideline for Policy Setting and Climate Change Knowledge Dissemination

Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy  and Planning


Greenhouse Gas Data Compilation and Inventory from 5 Sectors during 2000-2015 for Thailand Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory System: TGEIS  

Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy  and Planning


Collaborative Program for Implementation of the Convention and the International Protocol on Environment, Safety, Chemicals, Industrial Hazardous Substances  in Industrial Sector 

Department of Industrial Works


Study on GHG emission and identify potential GHG emission reduction. Develop Local GHG Abatement Plans in 8 municipalities (Region 3). Develop GHG Abatement plan guideline that include environmental and social management framework (ESMF)

 Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization)


Greenhouse Gas Data Management for industrial Sector Year 1

Department of Industrial Works


The Accounting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Industrial Sector Phase 2. First Training Workshop for the Greenhouse Gas Inventory Preparation Government Personnel and Operators in the industry with high greenhouse gas emissions

Department of Industrial Works


Establishing an inventory of F- and GHG gases stemming from use, maintenance, and disposal of appliances for refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) in Thailand

GIZ Thailand


Data collection support for establishing an inventory of consumption and emission of F-gases in Thailand

GIZ Thailand


Collaboration to Promote HCFC Phase out in Asia and the Pacific Region



Greenhouse Gas Management Program for Industrial Sector (Sub-program 1) Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Factory

Department of Industrial Works


Develop Project Design Document (PDD) for CDM fuel switching project

Thai Urethane Plastic Co., Ltd.


Feasibility Study for CDM project development

Asian Palm Oil Co., Ltd.


Feasibility Study for CDM project development for fuel switching project

Thai Urethane Plastic Co., Ltd.


Feasibility Study for CDM project development

Kantana Group Public Company Limited


Feasibility study for the establishment of a biodiesel production plant in Thailand

EC ASEAN Energy Facility